River Kidz
Birth - 5th Grade
Service Times & Location
Join us in River Kidz
Main Campus
Sunday @ 9:00am
Sunday @ 11:15am
136 Carroll Cove Rd
Clover SC, 29710
About River Kidz
In River Kidz, our goal is to partner with parents in teaching children the Bible. We want children to know the Word of God so they can discern good from evil, believe upon The Lord, and share the Good News with others.
“Our children will also serve him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything he has done.” Psalm 22:30-31

River Kidz Goals
Before your child leaves River Kidz Elementary, they will learn three basic truths.
I need to make the wise choice.
I can trust God no matter what.
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
When does RK meet?
River Kidz is open every Sunday during our 9:00am and 11:15am services, with the exception of a few times a year. Always stay tuned to our social media for special services where River Kidz for ages K-5th grade will be invited into the services with their families!
Visiting for the first time?
If this is your first time visiting or bringing your child to New River, be sure to stop by the First Time Guest desk in the lobby. There, one of our volunteers will greet you, help get your child registered, and answer any questions you may have about River Kidz.
Then you will be guided to the appropriate classroom for your child’s age. River Kidz Jr. is for children ages birth-PreK and River Kidz is for children in K-5th grade.
River Kidz Jr. will experience fun stories and songs from the Bible along with making a craft.
River Kidz will have large group worship and lesson. Then break out into small group by grade for games and to learn more about biblical principles and memory verses.
Secure check-in process.
All children attending River Kidz must be checked in by a guardian at one of our secure check-in stations. Guardians will receive a coded tag that must be turned in to pick up their child. This coded tag is also used to help identify parents if a child is fussy or in need of assistance from a parent.
If a parent misplaces their tag, one of our staff members will ask to see identification and match it with what we have in our secure registration system.
In River Kidz, we also adhere to an adult:child ratio for safety in all rooms from babies to 5th grade.
Mother’s lounge.
At the end of the River Kidz hallway, we have a mother’s lounge where mothers are able to comfort fussy babies, nurse, or just have a moment of quiet with your little one while watching the service livestream on a tv in the lounge.

Parent Resources
The Parent Cue App | CLICK HERE to download the Parent Cue app where you can see what your child has learned in church on Sunday and keep the conversation going with them throughout the week!
The Bible App for Kids | CLICK HERE to download the Bible App for Kids which contains colorful illustrations, touch-activated animations, fun facts, special challenges and interactive content that brings the Bible to life for children!
Facebook | CLICK HERE to follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with everything going on in River Kidz!
Serve in RK
Those who serve in River Kidz love to use their gifts and talents to create an environment where children can experience Christ in a meaningful way. While parents are taking time to worship and grow in their own relationship with Jesus, they can have peace-of-mind, knowing that our River Kidz team is reaching into the lives of their children with the life-giving message of the Gospel in a way that is safe, fun, engaging, and easy to understand.
If you would like to use your gifts and talents on a River Kidz Serve Team, please click the button below to begin the process. All Serve Team members at New River Church must complete an application and background check.
Still have questions?
We are here to help. Fill out this quick form with your best email and a quick message. One of our RK team members will get back to you shortly.